Join Me as I Spin Vibrant 2-ply Targhee Wool Yarn

Spinning a Basic 2-ply Yarn

Join me as I spin hand-dyed Targhee top roving into a 2-ply yarn using my electronic spinning “wheel,” AKA e-spinner. I spin the singles first and then ply, using joins where I decide to detach and reattach the singles when the color doesn’t match up just right. The yarn is finished via wet finishing and thwacking.

This video was made with the beginner or novice spinner in mind, or those curious to see how another spinner creates handspun yarn. I am a self-taught indie dyer and spinner with over 12 years of experience. I am by no means an “expert,” but someone passionate about the fiber arts who hopes to inspire others to take up the craft or expand their skill set without intimidation.

You may want to check out my post on How to Dye Yarn in a Crockpot. I hope to do a video in the near future of dyeing roving this way.

I filmed this video in the winter of 2023 – and I’m just getting around to finishing it, in the Fall of 2024. Better late than never, right?

The truth is when I filmed myself making this yarn, I wasn’t sure I was going to do anything with it. Last winter is when I was contemplating whether or not I wanted to make videos for the blog, so much of this was just me playing around with cameras and angles to see if I could get useable footage. All I can do is improve from here, right?? 🙂

Spinning Targhee Wool Roving from Start to Finish

I’ve subtitled the video, so feel free to watch with the sound off. 🙂

I’m still pressed for time so I don’t have the time to write a detailed blog post on this subject, but I am always happy to answer questions or support others in their spinning journey, as best as I can from a distance, anyway! So feel free to ask any questions to this seasoned but by no means perfect, or expert self-taught spinner. 🙂

Video Description

In this short video, I cover:

  • Different ways to split roving for spinning
  • Spinning two sets of singles and weighing them to see if I have an even amount on each bobbin
  • attaching the singles to the leader with a square knot
  • plying two singles together, with my advice for those getting started
  • how to do joins for reattaching yarn in the middle of plying
  • wrapping yarn onto a niddy noddy
  • how I tag/inventory my handspun yarn
  • wet setting my super fast way, great for small skeins
  • thwacking yarn
  • showing the final 2-ply yarn

This is not detailed instruction on how to do the above, but a quick example that will (hopefully) inspire you to continue spinning or to appreciate the art of spinning. 🙂

A person with glasses holds colorful skeins of yarn in front of their face. They are in a room with shelves filled with books and more yarn in the background. The yarn is vibrant with green, blue, yellow, and orange hues. Join me as I spin this yarn in the above video.

Thanks for joining me as I spin this hand-dyed targhee top. 🙂

Until next time…

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