Artist Spotlight: Nana Browns by Nicole Lulchak

Custom insulated lunch bag by nana browns
Custom Insulated Lunch Bags by Nana Browns

I discovered Nicole’s Etsy shop back when my now 5 and 6 year old were baby & toddler, while searching for the perfect light weight sun hat. I was so impressed by her design aesthetic as well as fun & stylish fabrics. Soon came diaper holders and the life saving wet bags; all have proven invaluable over the years even now with my girls being 2.5, 5 & 6. In fact I am over due for a new purchase, I think I may have to get a crayon holder or two, as I can attest to Nana Browns durability and innovative design. Best of all: handmade in Canada!

Nana Browns sun hat circa 2010
Nana Browns sun hat circa 2010

how long have you been creating with fabric?

I have been designing and sewing for at least 20 years. It is my favourite form of creative expression and it always makes me feel connected to the women that have shared their knowledge with me over the years.

waterproof zippered wet bag by Nana Browns
waterproof zippered wet bag by Nana Browns

what made you start creating with fabric?

Probably my grandmothers were the biggest influence. They were always sewing something when I was growing up. Quilts, doll clothes, special dresses – anything that they could imagine. I loved everything that they made and wanted to know how to make things of my own.

crayon wallet by Nana Browns

what inspires your designs? 

My daughter is my biggest inspiration. She is 7 and her imagination is boundless. She does not believe in “can’t” so if she can imagine it she figures that mom can make it for her.

I am also inspired by the world around me. Colours, textures, the shades and depth in a sunrise or sunset …….

baby bib technicolor mushrooms by Nana Browns

What are your favorite pieces to make/creations you have made? 

I LOVE to make things for my daughter. She is still so thrilled and excited that her Mom made it for her and the pieces I make quickly become her favourites.

I also like to make quilts. They are practical, but can be very beautiful and multi-dimensional depending on the pattern and fabrics used. When I see a quilt it feels like I am making something useful and lasting. I make several quilts every year and donate them to a local hospital for them to use as a fundraiser and I also donate fabric and supplies to a local quilting group that makes quilts for other local charities.

burp cloth bright floral by Nana Brown’s

Where do you sell your work?

I sell my work locally at markets and by word of mouth. I also have a shop on Etsy:

Organic Cotton Flannel Nursing Pads by Nana Browns

Do you accept custom work?

Yes I do accept custom work. I have a lot of fun working with clients to make something wonderful just for them

lavender sachets by Nana Browns
lavender sachets by Nana Browns

Don’t forget to check out Nana Browns on Etsy, or if you are local to Red Deer keep an eye out for her at local markets & shows.


Are you an artist inspired? I’m looking to share your story here and in my monthly newsletter. Inspire me; inspire others! E-mail me or leave a comment below to be considered. All you need is an online presence (blog, website, Etsy shop, etc.) so that the international audience the internet attracts can get to know you & your product better. This is my contribution to the handmade/artist community, & I am honored to do so! Look forward to hearing from you…

Artist Inspired: Double Duty Diaper Buddy – Diaper Bag and Change Pad by Nana Brown’s


Sometimes I am totally inspired by a handmade item not just for its beauty-artistic appeal but for it’s practical-artistic appeal. So is the case with the Double Duty Diaper Buddies by Nicole Lulchak of Nana Browns.


I discovered this fellow Canadian’s  Etsy Shop a few months ago, upon preparing for summer with essentially two babies. I was actually drawn in by her adorable sun hats which I ordered (they are totally cute too!). Then while browsing her shop thought I would try the diaper buddy as well. I was immediately impressed at the craftsmanship and by the versatility of the item. It held diapers for both my girls plus was the perfect change pad while on the go (and we have certainly been on the go A LOT this past summer!).


When I inquired as to how she came up with the diaper buddy, Nicole replies:

“The inspiration behind the Diaper Buddy was truly necessity. We were going on a vacation to Arizona and Mexico and I was trying to find ways to make the diaper bag lighter, while still carrying everything that we needed. I also wanted to be able to just grab the things needed for a quick diaper change and leave the big bag behind. The criterion was lighter, functional and stylish and after some tinkering with the pattern and different fabrics the Diaper Buddy was born. We tested it out everywhere we went on our vacation, it was fabulous, and I got all kinds of feedback from people who saw us using it and wanted to get their own. Mine travels everywhere we go and it really is great to just be able to grab it and go if we need to.”


Nicole has been designing and sewing for approximately 20 years.

“…not quite longer than I can remember, but a lot of years. I think I made my first piece, a patchwork pillow, on my Mother’s sewing machine when I was about 10 or 11.

“I have a large collection of fabric and patterns, both new and vintage and really enjoy designing new pieces from all the ideas in my head. Both my Grandmothers were avid sewers and I learned a lot from them. One of my favorite patterns is a hand drawn quilt pattern that came from my Grandmother on my father’s side. I use it often and it always reminds me of her.

“I have had a lot of fun since I set up shop on Etsy about a year and a half ago. It has been really incredible to send my pieces to people all over the world and know that they enjoy them. I have really enjoyed the opportunity to make more custom pieces for people as well.”

Nicole is inspired by colours and textures, and also finds her daughter is a great source for inspiration. Necessity will drive the creativity as well, and as a busy mom myself, I can totally relate! She also finds that her creativity & tactile nature motivates her to find inspiration in most things.

“I am a very tactile person – I love to wander through a shop and touch and feel the things that catch my eye. My husband always says it takes twice as long to shop with me because I have to stop and touch everything!”