On Sale: Matching Mother Daughter Necklaces

Collage Nssmothdau
Sterling silver half a heart mother-daughter matching necklaces personalized with an initial

I unexpectedly started my Christmas shopping today. Great deals at a kitchen store I couldn’t resist which reminded me, that I will have weekly sales leading up to the holidays but I have not had the time to blog about it (and I still don’t, so this will be brief). This week’s sale was 20% off the matching mother daughter necklaces. You still have time to take advantage of the sale, it’s going on until end of day tomorrow, Sunday October 1st, 2017. Monday I will announce another sale.

Available via my website and Etsy. Be sure to like my Facebook page if you want to keep up with sales and promotions. I don’t always have time to blog about it. Okay! I got to get back to work. I have yarn to dye and wool to comb into top, and jewelry request to fill…

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