100 Days of Creativity: Day 71


Today was a fairly easy design day as I simply finished up the last two pieces in the garnet & pearls series. I think I needed the break, anyway. I’m feeling a bit unmotivated as I deal with some emotions stemming from my mother’s death a few months ago. Strange how those things come up at different times. So today, I put the finishing touches on a pair of earrings to match the necklace & bracelet I made yesterday, as well as a pearl cuff bracelet accented in the 4mm faceted garnet:



Even after all that – I still have some of these garnet beads left! The smaller sized beads are definitely deceiving. 🙂

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1 thought on “100 Days of Creativity: Day 71

  1. Great set Leilani…!! I love the bracelet…!

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