I”m tired tonight. Between running after my toddler I decided it was time to clean up my email. I am about ready to go cross-eyed!
I did sneak this piece in however:
I was in a quartz mood today. Quartz is so amplifying…I think because the weather has been so mild & sunny for February in Québec I wanted to capture that good energy within the quartz. I am also partial to clear quartz (AKA rock crystal) since it is a birthstone alternative for April, my birth month. Let’s face it, we can’t always afford diamonds! 🙂
The blue quartz is formed by a process called reclaiming. That’s where they take pices of quartz and fuse it into glass to make beads. I’m all for waste not want not so I think that’s a great idea. The clear quartz is the real deal, through & through.
Check out more on this piece as well as other birthstone pieces in my Etsy Shop…