End of Year Sale – Let’s Celebrate!

End of year sale coupon code available – keep reading to find out…

I hope you are all having a fun and restful end of year holiday…I know, the two really don’t go together! After 4 days of over-eating and visiting with friends and family, I’m looking forward to taking the rest of the week to recharge and get caught up on a few tasks that have fallen to the wayside these past few weeks.

I don’t have time to do a mass Christmas card mailing like I used to, but I still make cards for immediate family members

New Year’s Goals

I’m not one for New Year Resolutions, but this year I have resolved to try to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n as is compatible with the cold and short days of Canadian winters. I tend to treat the winter months as “catch up”, “get ahead” time, even though my body is telling me to rest.

Always enjoy making items for friends and customers. I started in 1999 and have been steadily at it in one form or another since 2001. It is my comfort, and my pleasure to create. I look forward to continue making keepsakes, handspun yarn & knitting accessories for you in 2022!

I look forward to curling up in bed with a good book, trying out some new knitting projects, and catching up with some meditation and spiritual podcasts, as well as expanding my own sixth sense abilities. I’m going to be creative when the whim calls, but I won’t be pushing myself to develop new products for the sake of sale.

These two brothers cozy in the studio, and as you can see, color matching the chairs 😆

Coupon Code – save 20% on your Entire Order

I am running a sale for the next couple of weeks. If you spend $75 here on the website you will save 20% off your entire order.

Use code: ENDOFYEAR at checkout. This also applies to clearance items!

Sale valid until Jan 10th, 2022.

Click here to start shopping

If you prefer to shop on etsy, I’m currently offering 15% off my entire shop. The sale is officially on until January 3, 2022 (unless I decide to extend it).

My etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/leilanihandmade8888/

See you “next year”…

Leilani signature

40% off Stitch Markers AKA Knitting Bling Oct 2-8

Collage stbling

Most sets of stitch markers are $13 for a set of 8: this week they are on sale for 40% off

Weekly Sale October 2 – 8th, 2017
This week I am offering my knitting bling as I call it, for 40% off. Most sets of 8 stitch markers are only $13 regular price so it’s a great time to stock up for personal use or to gift a knitter or crocheter in your life.

Prices as marked on Etsy. Discount available on my website with promo code STITCH40 at checkout. Sale on until Sunday, Oct. 8th, 2017. I’ll announce a new sale every Monday via Facebook.