The Studio is Officially Open for 2014 but…

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I’m finally finished inventory & the supplies got a total overhaul as far as organizing is concerned…as in, they are actually organized! During the Christmas rush I was so annoyed at myself as it took way too long to find supplies needed for orders. So now everything is neatly put away & I have the “to reorder” list in hand.

You may notice certain products missing from the website. I pulled a few that I want to re-examine/revamp, either because I ran out of a component & it is either unavailable or not in a price point that works for me, or simply because I want to change it/freshen it up a bit. They will return shortly as soon as the new prototypes are completed. I have ordered 2 new engraving fonts & I am excited to relaunch these products new & fresh!

All that said, I did have to raise the prices slightly on some items. Nothing drastic, but with both the cost of supplies & shipping increasing this year, I have to adjust accordingly.

Here’s to 2014 and a brand new year of inspiration & creativity!


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