I want to give a special & heart felt thank you to Dawn & Maureen for nominating me for a lemonade award previously. This may seem like a small gesture but it touches my heart that you enjoy my blog & that I inspire you…you ladies inspire me too.
I wanted to pick a special night to annouce my nominations, & I thought that leaving it for Oscar night would be very appropriate. I had a really hard time picking 10 blogs: I read a lot of blogs that inspire the many factes of my life so it was hard to narrow down. However, here are my picks:
Kristie, Lisa & Co., Jody, Lynn, Jill, Aurore, Jenell, Carle, Linda and last but not least of course, Dianne!
Although these ladies blog about very different topics, their creativity, talent, & personalities inspire me in so many ways. I always enjoy visiting their blogs & applying their strength, ideas & overall good energy to my day to day life. Hats off to you! Keep sharing & keep inspiring! Visit their blogs & see for yourself… 🙂
Pass on some lemonade & let someone know they have inspired you. Here’s what you do:
1.Put the logo on your blog or post
2.Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great Gratitude and/or Attitude.
3.Be sure to list and link your nominees within your post.
4.Let them know they have received this award by leaving a comment on their blog.
5.Nominate your favorites and link to your post.
Gosh thnaks Leilani! This is so cool!
Thank you so much Leilani, you are so very kind to nominate my blog! I really appreciate your kindness…
Wow!Thank you so much for this token of appreciation.
Now if only I knew how to link to other blogs..I will have to figure that one out to pass this along. 😉
Really Great, Leilani. Thanks.
Leilani — in case I just sent an email to the wrong address, I’ll say it here, too: THANK YOU! I’m delighted to be an award winner and am so touched that you thought of me! Maybe someday I’ll actually manage to make a new post!! Take care…
Awww…thanks, Leilani. Right back atcha. It’s going to take me awhile to post something about this, but I wanted to let you know how much it means to me-not just the nomination, but to know you. Hey, I’m curious: where did this lemonade award originate?
Just realized that I hadn’t said thank you for the award. I have a problem though: I don’t follow that many blogs… Guess I need to start, eh? LOL
You are all very, very welcome…and you know, you don’t have to pass this along unless you are feeling like passing on some lemonade love. 🙂
Jenell I’m not sure where this originated…I’ll ask Dawn if she knows & post an update here.